On December the 28th 2009, author and magic effect creator Ben Harris issued "Paranormalist" Jim Callahan with a $5,000.00 challenge to correctly divine (via his contact on the other side) the contents of a sealed box. Jim had demonstrated the effect on the TV program PHENOMENON and had, at last, agreed to be tested under strict conditions. However, failure to meet on common ground in regards conditions and test protocol has resulted in the challenge being rescinded. SILVIO SOLARIS, on the other hand, has taken up the the challenge. Read on...

Friday, January 1, 2010



I'd like to thank Jim for finally posting the answers to the questions I had posed. Jim's answers are as follows:

A. What kind of box would you prefer for the experiment, metal or wood?

JIM's ANSWER: Does not matter

B. Would you like any salt placed inside along with the target?


C. Is "Raymond" color-blind? Can he distinguish between RED, BLUE and YELLOW?

JIM'S ANSWER: Never asked.

These answers help us to formulate the test conditions. We need to make sure the test is:

(a) simple to understand
(b) fair and unbiased


(c) one that will produce a clear result.

In order to do this, I need a more definitive answer to Question C.

Can you please "ask" (or confirm) whether "Raymond" is, (or is not) color blind?

Can he distinguish between RED, BLUE and YELLOW?

It is critical that this be CLEAR. I don't want "color blindness" being used as an excuse later on.

Once we have the clarification as requested, I will PROPOSE THE TEST and describe the parameters for Jim and the world to consider.

Then, we can fine-tune the test to address concerns if they arise.

That done, we'll need to find an acceptable "third party" to baby-sit the "target box".

If I see you are this serious, and these things do come to pass, I'll put forward the green.

Ben Harris

1 comment:

  1. Nope time for you Ben, to put up.

    Your challenge not mine.

    Don't think you will waste my time to promo your work.

    You said you were offering the $5,000 now place in escrow and payable to me upon this thing going my way.

    We will then talk about things you need to fix.
    (This horrible site to be the first)!

    Al of that said, this is great fun and I thank you for the offer to pay me for what was already to be part of my radio shows.

    Best Wishes,


    PS. Everything posted here will be cross posted to the Magic Talk site.
